Steam Traps / Strainers / Condensate Pumps – Steam Trap – Thermostatic

Steam Trap

CIRCOR Power & Process offers the most comprehensive line of thermostatic steam traps on the market. The balance pressure bellows design is constantly sensing changing temperature conditions and is cycling according to those conditions. The standard 10-degree sub-cool allows for quick elimination of condensate, air, and other non-condensables.


  • Welded bellows allow for maximum corrosion, thermal and hydraulic shock resistance.
  • One moving part ensures longer life
  • Wide range of options available, from steam lock release orifice to sterilizer trim

If you would like additional information, please click on any literature link below or Contact Us directly so that we may provide you with detailed specifications.




N450 Series Thermostatic Steam Traps
PDF Size: 53KB
Thermostatic Steam Traps
PDF Size: 328KB